LEGO® Serious Play® for the water transition

2024 | Article in LEGO® Serious Play® Magazine
The Netherlands is a country surrounded by water. While we have long been capable of managing water, numerous developments are putting pressure on this capability. The Delfland Water Authority and Dunea water company have developed a concept for establishing the Freshwater Alliance: a collaboration among regional stakeholders who work with water to cross organisational boundaries and to envision a future where we strategically approach our freshwater. As part of a larger process that involved the relevant stakeholders in the region, a workshop was organised to enable free strategic thinking across sectors, domains and organisations in a safe and open environment. The session aimed to cultivate a shared sense of urgency to work together and to envision how the freshwater alliance could work, and to identify the key questions for further exploration in the following process. This article describes how we used LEGO® Serious Play® to build the alliance and to create a shared sense of urgency, driving the imperative for collective action and genuine change. Thus began the movement of the Freshwater Alliance. Interested in this article, send me an email (Link naar

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